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How to Improve Formative Assessments for Early Literacy?

So much has already been said and written about the practice of formative assessments. 

Let’s get reacquainted with its definition,characteristics, function in early literacy, and value, before exploring what can be done to improve them.


Definition, Function and Value

Definition, Function and Value

Formative assessments have been best defined in prior Sprig articles as assessments that monitor early learning to provide ongoing feedback.  Early literacy educators use them to adapt instruction and ensure that every child has the opportunity to succeed. 

Its regular frequency sets it apart from other more standardized forms of assessments. In “Holistic Formative Assessments. The New Wave”, it was stated that formative assessments happen regularly in classrooms where a student’s progress is evaluated on a daily or weekly basis.

In “What You Should Know about Assessments in Early Childhood Education”, the regularity of formative assessments is further established as they deal with the day-to-day learning process as it unfolds. They are ongoing in nature and are integrated into the daily teaching practices. 

Examples cited include homework assignments, in-class activities and group work. In the same article, it is mentioned how formal formative assessments use well-defined grade rubrics, while informal assessments use methods such as observations, notes, etc. 

The function of formative assessments in early literacy is clearly stated inWhy Small Group Instruction is Needed For Assessments in Early Literacy”. These assessments help educators diagnose specific foundational skills and monitor the progress of each early learner in the classroom. They offer valuable insights into a child’s learning skills, abilities and challenges.

In “Traditional Early Years Assessments vs Holistic Assessments”, the value of formative assessments is highlighted. For example, how educators who consistently use formative assessment strategies double the speed of learning for their students.

Exploring the science and art of formative assessments is a vast and intriguing subject. It’s highly recommended to check out the referenced articles to gain a deeper understanding of formative assessments.

To answer the question, how formative assessments can be improved in the classroom, two approaches may be taken. 1) Understanding its Core Essence. 2) Understanding its Core Types.


 1) Core Essence of Formative Assessments

By tapping into what formative assessments actually are, it’s possible to further improve existing formative assessment practices in early literacy. It’s important to differentiate formative assessments from summative assessments and universal screeners.


How Are Formative Assessments Different from Summative Assessments and Universal Screeners?

How Are Formative Assessments Different from Summative Assessments and Universal Screeners

Summative assessments refer to standardized tests, which are also known as outcome evaluators. These assessments usually occur at the end of the year and are fixed.

Summative assessments are “of learning”, while formative assessments are “for learning”. 

Besides formative assessments, there is another category of assessments that is “for learning”, which is universal screeners. 

While universal screeners share similar characteristics with summative assessments in that they are also fixed in when they happen, these assessments are for measuring students’ proficiency in specific skills.  It is predominantly used to identify students that may be at risk for learning difficulties. In many ways, they are closer to formative assessments.

But formative assessments are still unique, because unlike universal screeners which are scheduled ahead of time, and happen a fixed number of times a year, formative assessments are ongoing and continuous, and can be expected to take place regularly throughout the school year.

Thus, consistency in regularity is key to improving formative assessments. Establishing this regularity is essential for achieving best-in-class formative assessment practices. 

When assessments are conducted infrequently, distinguishing them from universal screeners becomes challenging. Therefore, maintaining a consistent schedule of formative assessments is essential for their improvement.

Furthermore, in order to improve, formative assessments must find ways to better incorporate a differentiated instruction mechanism.  Without this feature, assessments risk being overly generalized, resembling summative assessments too closely. 

To maintain their formative nature, assessments should account for the diverse learning needs of students, integrating differentiated instruction seamlessly into the assessment process.


2) Core Types of Formative Assessments

By understanding the different types of formative assessments, it’s possible to provide specific improvements that considers the total scope of such an assessment practice. In order to do this, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of what formative assessments actually entail.


What Are The Types of Formative Assessments and Their Differences?

What Are The Types of Formative Assessments and Their Differences

There are two major kinds of formative assessments, diagnostic assessments and progress monitoring assessments. They are both “assessments for learning”. Progress monitoring assessments in particular have the special distinction of being both “for learning” and “as learning”.

This is because in progress monitoring assessments, not only are teachers learning about  the students’ learning strengths and needs, but the assessment practice itself is designed to track students’ learning progress or growth across the entire school year, reflecting what skills require further assessment, practice, and/or intervention to support learning.  

Thus, in order to improve formative assessment in early literacy, it is very important to ensure that there is adequate teacher-student dialogue. The assessment is “for learning”, but there is also a scope for the assessment to be “as learning”. Such is the beauty of formative assessments.


Embracing the Essence and Diversity of Formative Assessments

Embracing the Essence and Diversity of Formative Assessments

Concluding this exploration into the realm of formative assessments in early literacy, it’s evident that these assessments play a pivotal role in shaping instructional practices and nurturing student learning journeys. 

From understanding their core essence to delineating their various types, this article has explored the nuanced landscape of formative assessments to offer suggestions on how to identify improvements  in the classroom for early literacy. 

Do you require assistance on how to be more intentional and regular with your formative assessment practice, connect it to differentiated instruction, and use it for “as learning”, alongside “for learning”?

Supporting Struggling Readers in Kindergarten: Transforming Existing Practices Into Evidence-based Practices

Kindergarten marks a critical juncture in a child’s academic journey, where the foundation for literacy skills is established. But often, it’s a phase that is marked with many challenges.

Recognizing these challenges is crucial, given the various factors influencing the struggles some kindergarteners experience in developing early literacy skills.

From diverse developmental timelines to limited exposure to print and vocabulary gaps, each challenge demands attention. This is especially true at a time when there are curriculum/standard mandates for kindergarten being introduced at various jurisdictions.

Educators in kindergarten need help to transform their teaching practices.

In this blog, we delve into the specific challenges kindergarteners may encounter, shedding light on how evidence-based practices can transform traditional teaching methods to provide enhanced literacy support for struggling readers.


Understanding the Challenges: Why Kindergarteners Struggle with Reading

Understanding the Challenges- Why Kindergarteners Struggle with Reading

Kindergarten is a crucial phase in a child’s academic journey, and while many thrive, many also encounter challenges on the path to reading proficiency. 

Several factors contribute to the struggles kindergarteners may face in developing early literacy skills.


Diverse Access and Opportunity for Learning:

Kindergarteners enter school with varying levels of pre-literacy skills. 

Factors such as access and exposure to books, language-rich environments, and individual cognitive development can influence a child’s readiness for reading.


Phonological Awareness Development:

The acquisition of phonological awareness, the ability to recognize and manipulate sounds in spoken language, is a cornerstone of early literacy. 

Some kindergarteners may struggle with distinguishing individual sounds, which can impede their ability to decode words.


Limited Exposure to Print:

Children who have limited exposure to books, vocabulary-rich conversations, and print materials at home may face challenges when introduced to reading in a formal educational setting. 

Lack of prior exposure can impact their understanding of print concepts.


Vocabulary Gaps:

Kindergarteners with limited vocabulary may find it challenging to comprehend and engage with written text. 

Vocabulary gaps can hinder their ability to make connections between spoken and written words.


Attention and Focus:

The transition to a structured learning environment in kindergarten introduces new expectations for attention and focus. 

Some children may struggle to maintain concentration during literacy activities, affecting their engagement with reading materials.


Social and Emotional Factors:

Social and emotional development plays a crucial role in a child’s ability to learn. 

Kindergarteners who face challenges in these areas, such as anxiety or difficulty with peer interactions, may find it challenging to fully engage in literacy tasks.


Variability in Home Literacy Practices:

Disparities in home literacy practices can impact a child’s preparedness for reading. 

Kindergarteners exposed to consistent reading experiences at home may exhibit greater confidence and proficiency compared to those with limited exposure.


Help is Available: Transform Existing Practices Into Evidence-based Practices

Help is Available- Transform Existing Practices Into Evidence-based Practices

As kindergarten is such a crucial period for laying the groundwork for a child’s literacy journey, it is very important to put our best foot forward.

While early reading struggles are a reality, addressing early reading challenges becomes simpler with innovative additions. 

While existing teaching practices are in place, the incorporation of evidence-based strategies can significantly enhance early literacy support for struggling readers.

In the following passages, let’s explore the transformation of widely used kindergarten teaching practices into evidence-based approaches that bolster literacy skills.


1. Storytime and Read-Aloud Sessions:

Traditional Practice:

Storytime is a common practice, fostering a love for books and language. It aims to instill a love for books and language among young learners.


Elevate storytime by incorporating interactive elements. Pause to discuss story elements, engage in predictive questioning, and emphasize phonological awareness during shared reading. 

This transformation ensures that the storytelling experience not only captivates but also fosters essential and foundational early literacy skills.


2. Letter Recognition Activities:

Traditional Practice:

Letter recognition games and activities are commonplace to introduce the alphabet.


Revamp letter recognition by incorporating multisensory approaches. Introduce activities like tracing letters in sand or using textured materials to reinforce letter-sound connections. 

This transformation adds a tactile dimension, making the learning process more engaging and reinforcing the foundational link between letters and their sounds.


3. Sight Word Instruction:

Traditional Practice:

Memorization of sight words is a standard practice for building early reading vocabulary.


Approach sight word instruction more like learning high-frequency words (and not those we need to learn by sight) and incorporate into your phonics lessons.  Students can use their phoneme knowledge to map the regular part of the words, then only have to learn the sounds that are irregular in the word.   

This transformation complements structured literacy approaches and makesinstruction, the learning more meaningful for young readers.


4. Phonemic Awareness Games:

Traditional Practice:

Phonemic awareness games focus on auditory skills through rhyming and sound recognition.


Transform phonemic awareness games by incorporating a broader range of activities. Introduce sound blending and segmenting exercises to enhance foundational skills crucial for early reading. 

This transformation expands the scope of auditory skill development, providing a more comprehensive approach to phonemic awareness.


5. Interactive Learning Centres:

Traditional Practice:

Learning centres offer a diverse range of activities to reinforce various skills. These activities, while diverse, may lack a specific and structured approach to literacy development.


Reimagine interactive learning centers by aligning activities with structured literacy approaches. Ensure a focus on phonics, decoding, and comprehension skills within these centers, while supporting play-based and joyful learning activities

This transformation brings a targeted and intentional approach to the learning centers, maximizing their impact on essential early reading skills.


Traditional to Transformational: Supporting Struggling Readers in Kindergarten

Traditional to Transformational- Supporting Struggling Readers in Kindergarten

By transforming existing kindergarten teaching practices into evidence-based approaches, educators can provide more targeted and impactful support for struggling readers. 

These evidence-based strategies create a solid foundation, fostering a love for literacy and ensuring that every child receives the necessary lessons and practice sessions for early reading success.

Transforming existing teaching, assessment, and differentiated learning practices is no small task. 

Streamlining this process is made easier with interactive, evidence-based activities aligned with the latest research on early reading success.  

Sprig Reading contains all of these strategies and learning activities for each foundational reading skill set, with an assessment methodology to monitor progress weekly. Try it today for free!

3 More Common Situations in Early Literacy Leadership and How to Respond

In a recent article, Sprig brings attention to crucial aspects of early literacy leadership with “11 Common Situations in Early Literacy and How to Respond”. 

It’s a must-read, if you haven’t done so already. Going beyond case studies and researched best practices, Sprig revisits previous blogs, extracting valuable insights that can pose challenging situations to early literacy leaders and presents their corresponding responses. 

As discussed, those initial 11 scenarios were not exhaustive by any means, and so Sprig expands the discourse in this article by introducing three additional common situations faced by early literacy leadership. 

Each situation is followed by an appropriate response. 

This approach taps into the wealth of experiences encountered by early literacy leaders, providing actionable learnings.


Situation 1. Needing Interventions Becoming the Norm.

Situation 1. Needing Interventions Becoming the Norm.

Amid the aftermath of the pandemic, numerous students grapple with significant setbacks, extending beyond their initial challenges. A concerning trend emerges—a flipped three-tier pyramid, wherein more students now require special assistance than those who do not. 

In classrooms facing this scenario, it becomes crucial to implement targeted actions that address the increased demand for support without overwhelming resources typically designated for tier 3 students. Balancing intervention strategies becomes paramount to ensure equitable and effective assistance for all students navigating the complexities of post-pandemic learning.


How to Respond:

The optimal approach involves integrating these interventions seamlessly into tier 1 and tier 2 instruction, as much as possible, both in core classroom teaching and small-group differentiated instruction. 

The issue at hand underscores the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of intervention strategies embedded within regular classroom practices, as opposed to relying on intensive programs that cater to too few students and often come into play when it may be too late for effective assistance.

Situations 1 taken from:

The Science of Teaching Reading: Effective Reading Assessment, Explicit Reading Instruction and Targeted Reading Intervention.


Situation 2. Lack of Access to Early Childhood Education Centers and Programs.

Situation 2. Lack of Access to Early Childhood Education Centers and Programs.

The scarcity of accessible early childhood education centers and programs poses a significant challenge for school leadership dedicated to fostering high-quality early learning. Recognizing the pivotal connection between preschool attendance and kindergarten readiness, institutions face the ongoing challenge of addressing this gap through independent initiatives or collaborative partnerships.


How to Respond:

When faced with a lack of access to early education centers and programs, there are several strategies that early literacy leaders can consider:

 Community Collaboration: Encourage collaboration between educational institutions and community organizations to establish state-of-the-art childcare centers, similar to the initiative taken by Reading Area Community College in Pennsylvania. These centers not only provide early childhood education but also serve as valuable training grounds for educators.

Nonprofit Initiatives: Nonprofit organizations, such as the Catherine Hershey Schools for Early Learning, can play a pivotal role by launching early learning centers focused on providing free high-quality education to children from low-income families. This model demonstrates the potential for philanthropic efforts to address educational gaps.

Transitional Kindergarten (TK) Expansion: Following the example of Oakland Unified School District, districts can anticipate enrollment increases and take proactive measures by expanding transitional kindergarten facilities. By adopting a TK curriculum and making it universal, as planned in California, districts can accommodate more students.

Repurposing Educational Facilities: In instances where new elementary schools are built or existing ones are renovated, like the case of Fordham Early Learning Academy in Ocala, Florida, consider dedicating space for early learning programs. This proactive approach supports early literacy goals and provides a solid foundation for young learners.

Situation 2 taken from:

5 Emerging Themes in Improving Early Literacy


Situation 3: Pressure of Mandatory Curricular Reforms

Situation 3- Pressure of Mandatory Curricular Reforms

Schools often encounter pressure or mandates to undergo curricular reforms, demanding thoughtful strategies for seamless implementation. This involves prioritizing professional development, integrating lessons seamlessly, ensuring accurate assessments, and adeptly adapting to new curricular frameworks. 

Delving into the measures adopted by schools and districts, this section explores the challenges inherent in curriculum updates and the strategies employed to meet these demands effectively.


How to Respond:

 Effectively navigating the challenges of curriculum reforms demands a multifaceted strategy, as illustrated by successful initiatives in various schools and districts:

Professional Development Focus: Wolf Creek Public Schools in Ponoka allocates three full days of professional development for elementary teachers, ensuring thorough preparation for the impending curriculum changes.

Curriculum Consultants Support: Edmonton Catholic Schools increase the number of curriculum consultants, providing crucial assistance to teachers and emphasizing the value of additional support structures.

Teacher Collaboration Emphasis: Black Gold School Division in Leduc underscores the significance of teacher collaboration as a preparation strategy, recognizing the power of collective efforts in adapting to curriculum changes.

Strategic Investment in Education: The Ministry of Education in Ontario invests $109 million, introducing new screening requirements, standardized tools, additional specialist teachers, and a language curriculum overhaul to enhance young students’ reading skills.

Phonics-Centric Approach: Fort Worth Independent School District shifts its focus to a curriculum emphasizing phonics, supplementing it with professional development to address potential issues stemming from a lack of exposure to grade-level texts.

Situation 3 taken from:

5 More Emerging Themes for Success in Early Literacy


What About Hidden Challenges?

What About Hidden Challenges?

In the dynamic landscape of early literacy leadership, schools may encounter unforeseen challenges that could impact student performance and hinder the realization of their full early literacy potential. 

Identifying and addressing these latent issues is crucial for fostering a robust learning environment. Conducting a thorough audit of current practices in core instruction, assessment, and differentiated instruction becomes imperative to unveil hidden obstacles. 

For actionable steps on uncovering and surmounting these challenges, Sprig’s blogs offer valuable insights. A particularly relevant resource is the article titled “Navigating Back-to-School Challenges: Improving Reading Strategies for School Leaders,” where detailed strategies empower leaders to enhance their reading programs and proactively address potential hurdles. 

By staying informed and proactive, schools can fortify their early literacy initiatives and overcome all challenging situations.

11 Common Situations in Early Literacy Leadership and How to Respond

Navigating early literacy leadership challenges in pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and early elementary grades can be complex. As students embark on their educational journey, success in these formative years hinges on various factors. 

While situational challenges may arise, the reassurance comes from insightful case studies that shed light on similar scenarios and effective responses. 

This article covers 11 common situations, drawing from valuable knowledge shared in previous Sprig blogs.

Explore a wealth of information covering a spectrum of topics, all neatly compiled in this article. 

If you seek greater context for specific situations or a broader understanding of the early literacy dynamics at play, the referenced blogs provide in-depth insights. 

Let’s look at each situation, followed by a response recommendation.


Situation 1: Large Number of New Students Requiring Continuous Assessments and Additional Support

Situation 1- Large Number of New Students Requiring Continuous Assessments and Additional Support

The situation at Cornell Elementary School in Des Moines, Iowa, posed a formidable challenge due to the continuous need for accurate assessment of new students who might necessitate additional support. 

This challenge is particularly tough because it demands a reliable and efficient system to promptly identify and address the diverse learning needs of each incoming student. 


How to Respond:

To address this challenge, Cornell Elementary School implemented a three-tiered responsiveness-to-intervention model. 

Kindergarteners’ initial sound fluency and phoneme segmentation fluency, as well as Grade 1 students’ nonsense word fluency and oral reading fluency, were assessed at different intervals. Students scoring below benchmark levels were then provided with tailored support. 

This included more systematic instructional sequences, precisely targeted instruction at the right level, and increased opportunities for corrective feedback. 

The school’s commitment to progress monitoring and personalized interventions led to its recognition by the United States Department of Education as an exemplary implementer of the responsiveness-to-intervention model.


Situation 2: Widening Gaps in Access and Achievement 

Situation 2- Widening Gaps in Access and Achievement

Boston Public Schools (BPS) faced the challenge of addressing access and achievement gaps among students from diverse racial, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds. 


How to Respond:

To overcome this challenge, BPS initiated a Pre-K to Grade 3 initiative. This program introduced a new curriculum emphasizing vocabulary development, differentiated instruction, and professional development for educators. 

The early elementary grades saw the integration of developmentally appropriate instructional materials, including storytelling in preschool and student-centered instruction in grade 1.

By tailoring learning activities to match individual needs—utilizing visual aids, manipulatives, or smaller group settings—the initiative provided a more personalized learning experience. 

The outcome was a noticeable improvement in students’ critical thinking and collaborative skills. The use of higher-level vocabulary and the early introduction of personalized education from pre-K to grade 1 contributed significantly to the observed positive outcomes. 

Boston Public Schools’ commitment to high-quality early learning for all students, regardless of their background, successfully narrowed the achievement gap, promoting equity in education.

Situations 1 & 2 taken from:

High Performing School Improvement Plan. 3 Actual Cases from Early Learning.

Situation 3: Overly Program-Centric Budget

Situation 3- Overly Program-Centric Budget

Many school districts face a common challenge during return on investment analysis, where the evaluation and comparison of various initiatives like professional development, technology investments (e.g., iPads), and after-school tutoring are undertaken. While this approach aids budgetary decisions, it falls short in directly addressing academic returns.


How to Respond:

To address this issue, ER Strategies (ERS), a Massachusetts-based non-profit partner to numerous school systems, advocates for a student-centered viewpoint. Instead of comparing programs, they recommend asking, “which resources will meet this need” rather than “which program is better.” 

This student-focused approach involves identifying the core need, particularly relevant in the context of early literacy to improve proficiency scores in language and math.

ERS emphasizes a system-wide perspective that transcends departmental boundaries. 

By concentrating on improving early literacy performance and understanding its associated cost drivers, districts can formulate cost-efficient solutions.This approach ensures a more targeted and impactful allocation of resources for educational initiatives.

Situation 3 taken from:

Early Literacy Academic Return on Investment For Schools

Situation 4: Teachers Not Having Adequate Resource And/or Personnel Support

Situation 4- Teachers Not Having Adequate Resource And:or Personnel Support

The primary challenge here is the overwhelming workload faced by primary school teachers in managing various tasks, leaving limited time and resources for effective literacy instruction. Without sufficient support, teachers may struggle to provide a comprehensive and individualized educational experience for struggling readers.


How to Respond:

Literacy specialists and literacy coaches play a pivotal role in mitigating this challenge. By collaborating with teachers, literacy coaches contribute to a more well-rounded educational experience for striving readers. 

The impact of literacy coaches is highlighted through examples from a research paper in a large urban school district. The coaches enhance teachers’ efficacy in literacy instruction by addressing specific areas, such as utilizing students’ oral reading mistakes as teaching opportunities, employing diverse reading assessment strategies, offering targeted feedback during oral reading, and providing opportunities for applying prior knowledge to reading tasks.

The greatest gain observed when working with a literacy coach is the ability to match differentiated reading materials accurately to students’ levels. This tailored support ensures that students receive materials appropriate for their individual needs. 

Also, there is great value in a robust platform supported by learning resources to guide teachers. Such technology tools help the teacher become more efficient without necessarily hiring other specialist positions, even though having more such positions in an early literacy team is always desirable. 


Situation 5: Lack of Mechanisms to Track and Encourage Parental Involvement 

Situation 5- Lack of Mechanisms to Track and Encourage Parental Involvement

The main challenge here is the insufficient involvement of parents in the early childhood learning experience. Despite the significant impact of early learning on future reading success, there can be a lack of parental engagement during this period.


How to Respond:

To address this challenge, the collaborative effort between home and school becomes essential. Establishing a cohesive nexus between parents and educators is crucial for understanding and meeting the specific needs, interests, strengths, and weaknesses of each student, particularly in the context of early reading. 

By fostering a collaborative approach, information exchange becomes a powerful tool to ensure a seamless transition from early learning experiences at home to the formal schooling system, thereby enhancing parental involvement in the child’s early literacy development.

Situations 4 & 5 taken from:

Early Literacy State of Affairs. 6 Major Ways to Make a Difference.

Situation 6: Inconsistency Between Classrooms and Grade Levels In Practices and Performance

Situation 6- Inconsistency Between Classrooms and Grade Levels In Practices and Performance 

The identified challenge here is about the narrow focus on early literacy success within educational institutions. Achieving collective ownership of literacy goals is crucial, but there may be resistance or a lack of alignment among teachers, staff, and administrators. 

Without a unified commitment to a coordinated set of standards, the vision for early literacy success may face hurdles, especially when dealing with a diverse group of educators with varying levels of experience and perspectives.


How to Respond:

The proposed solution is to establish collective ownership of literacy goals by fostering a culture of buy-in among all teachers, staff, and administrators. This involves careful hiring practices that prioritize individuals willing to commit to a coordinated set of standards that become part of the school’s family. By ensuring that everyone shares the vision, there is a higher likelihood of success in implementing early literacy initiatives.

Additionally,  adopting a school-wide literacy plan to broaden the scope of literacy skills beyond language classes. Administrators play a pivotal role in guiding teachers across subjects, such as math and science, to incorporate evidence-based literacy skills into their lesson plans. 

An illustrative example from Cedar Valley Community School showcases how a literacy intervention specialist expanded the literacy program, allowing students to practice essential skills throughout the day and across various classrooms. This holistic approach ensures that literacy is integrated seamlessly into different subjects and becomes a collective responsibility, enhancing the overall success of early literacy initiatives.

Situation 6 taken from:

10 Actions Schools Can Take Today to Increase Early Literacy Equity.

Situation 7: Lack of Kindergarten Readiness Creating a Domino Effect

Situation 7- Lack of Kindergarten Readiness Creating a Domino Effect

The challenge presented involves issues related to kindergarten readiness, specifically the alignment of prekindergarten standards with each state’s K-12 standards. Kindergarten readiness is a crucial factor influencing early literacy equity. 

However, there may be obstacles in achieving this alignment, potentially leading to literacy inequity and inadequate preparation for kindergarten among young learners. This, of course, has ramifications for subsequent learning in kindergarten and the following early elementary grades.


How to Respond:

The suggested solution revolves around improving kindergarten readiness through data-driven measures and outreach efforts. The National Conference of State Legislatures recommends aligning prekindergarten standards with K-12 standards, and Sprig has created an evidence-based early literacy map for the US to assess this alignment. One of the questions addressed in each state profile is whether states connect birth to age 5 data with K-3 education.

To address literacy inequity at its root, collaborative efforts involving schools and the community to support parents. This assistance can take the form of providing knowledge or learning resources to enhance parental involvement, a significant indicator of early reading success. 

By facilitating the connection between prekindergarten and K-12 standards and fostering community support, the goal is to improve kindergarten readiness and, consequently, advance early literacy equity.


Situation 8: Persistent Lack of Interest and Engagement from Students

Situation 8- Persistent Lack of Interest and Engagement from Students

The challenge at hand concerns fostering interest and engagement in literacy among young learners. 

Progress toward literacy equity requires instilling a sense of curiosity and motivation in students, ensuring they actively participate in discussions about effective teaching approaches. If this is not the case, it is very difficult to teach them the foundational early learning concepts.


How to Respond:

To address this challenge, it is suggested to actively involve young learners in discussions about what is being taught. By incorporating their perspectives and interests into the learning process, educators aim to kindle a sense of excitement and engagement. 

The What Works Clearinghouse supports this approach, emphasizing the significant association between motivating and engaging instruction and improved reading comprehension.

The proposed solution underscores the importance of explaining the purpose of each lesson and the utility of various comprehension strategies to students. This not only enhances their understanding but also cultivates a genuine interest in literacy. 

By fostering a culture of literacy that aligns with students’ interests and motivations, educators seek to overcome the challenge of insufficient engagement, thereby contributing to the advancement of literacy equity among young learners.

Situations 7 & 8 taken from:

7 More Actions Schools Can Take Today to Increase Literacy Equity

Situation 9: Static Teaching Habits and Practices That Are Difficult to Change

Situation 9- Static Teaching Habits and Practices That Are Difficult to Change

The challenge here is regarding the effectiveness of school improvement plans in changing teaching practices. 

According to a RAND Corporation survey, a significant percentage of teachers and principals express skepticism, with only 44% of teachers and 67% of principals believing that these plans lead to a transformation in teaching practices. 


How to Respond:

Teachers must be involved in the strategic planning process, emphasizing the importance of collaboration. The lesson drawn is that for school improvement plans to be effective, they must incorporate the insights and perspectives of educators, making strategic planning a collaborative endeavour. 

This collaborative approach aims to enhance the likelihood of meaningful change in teaching practice

Here are some trends observed in various educational settings that have successfully transformed teaching practices.

Reallocating Time Blocks Based on Need: Highlighted by Tennessee’s Haywood County Schools, reallocating time to focus on foundational skills led to a significant improvement in Grade 3 reading proficiency levels.

Aligning Intervention with Curriculum: Ethel I. Baker Elementary School in Sacramento City Unified School District demonstrated success by implementing daily structured literacy intervention classes, emphasizing a curriculum rich in phonological awareness, phonics, and sight words.

The lesson derived is that effective intervention strategies, aligned with curriculum goals, can positively impact reading proficiency. 

By implementing these trends and lessons, educators aim to bridge the gap between school improvement plans and meaningful changes in teaching practices.

Situation 9 taken from:

Evidence Based Early Literacy Trends With Examples

Situation 10: Tug of War Between The Science and Art of Teaching

Situation 10- Tug of War Between The Science and Art of Teaching

Holistic development plays a major role in the overall success of a child, particularly in the context of integrated reading instruction. The challenge is to strike the right balance between direct and systematic instruction in alphabet knowledge and phonics, while also providing ample opportunities for conversations and reading sessions.


How to Respond:

To address this challenge, Dr. Gina Cervetti emphasizes the need for an integrated approach to reading instruction in the early years, incorporating the critical elements of learning the written language code, including phonics and phonological awareness, alongside fostering enriching conversations to enhance students’ oral language and vocabulary.

She advocates for a holistic strategy that combines explicit and systematic teaching of alphabet knowledge and phonics with activities promoting enriching conversations and reading sessions. Solutions like Sprig Reading emphasize the interconnectedness of these components, ensuring a well-rounded development in early literacy. 

The lesson derived is that holistic reading development involves a synergistic approach, where explicit and systematic instruction in foundational literacy skills coexists with activities that foster oral language development and vocabulary. 


Situation 11. Weak Core Instruction Increasing Dependency on Specialized Resources, Incurring Time and Cost Constraints.

Situation 11. Weak Core Instruction Increasing Dependency on Specialized Resources, Incurring Time and Cost Constraints.

The challenge lies in avoiding the premature removal of students from the classroom, highlighting the significance of inclusive practices for students in grades PK–2. When students are swiftly pulled out for additional support, such as with literacy coaches, it results in increased costs and time constraints on these resources. This allocation might have been more effectively utilized for those students requiring more urgent assistance.


How to Respond:

To address this challenge, one tactic could be a co-teaching arrangement as a strategy to provide greater support. In this approach, a specialist teaching role is pushed into preschool and kindergarten classes to assist any students who need support. The emphasis is on push-in strategies, where professionals co-teach with homeroom teachers inside the classroom. 

This approach aims to make early literacy recovery or acceleration efforts more serious and inclusive by involving both the homeroom teacher and specialist professionals in the classroom setting.

Another approach involves enhancing core instruction by continuously monitoring progress within the classroom, such as is the focus and success of  Sprig Reading. This allows for the early and frequent identification of specific interventions within the classroom setting. By addressing challenges promptly, the need for students to be pulled out and work with a literacy specialist can be minimized, preventing issues from escalating over time.

By prioritizing the presence of both homeroom teachers and specialist professionals, schools aim to create an environment where every student can benefit from inclusive teaching practices, particularly in the context of early literacy recovery and acceleration efforts.

Situations 10 & 11 taken from:

5 Hidden Gems for Teaching Reading in Schools


Require Further Insights, Recommendations and/or Support?

Require Further Insights, Recommendations and:or Support?

While the solutions provided in this article offer valuable insights, they are not exhaustive or one-size-fits-all. 

Every school’s situation is unique, and tailored solutions can be developed based on specific needs. 

If you or your team are grappling with challenges outlined here, Sprig is here to help. Reach out to us for more in-depth information and customized support.



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2023 Recap–Resonant Engagements and New Horizons

2023 was another incredible year for Sprig Learning! 

As we bid farewell to the year, this article reflects on some of the many wonderful highlights of the year.

Note that the office closes today, and will remain closed until January 2nd. 

We extend warm holiday wishes to all!

In the upcoming year, we eagerly anticipate delving into many more topics that will address your information needs and those that are close to your heart, providing valuable insights into early literacy.  

If you enjoy keeping up with all the latest news in Pre-K to 3 literacy in a regular non-blog format, our twice-a-month newsletter, Root to Fruit, is perfect for you. If you have not done so yet, consider subscribing today

Want to stay up to date on all that is happening in the world of early literacy, but also love the Sprig blogs for more in-depth breakdowns? Not to worry. All the latest blog articles are always linked on top of the news items in Root to Fruit.

If you know anyone who will benefit from a newsletter dedicated to early learning, refer them to sign up as well, and be ready for all the news that awaits us in 2024.

Now on to our 2023 annual recap.


Reading for the Love of It Conference

Reading for the Love of It Conference

In February, Sprig participated in the Reading for the Love of It Conference in Toronto. It was an excellent opportunity to connect with teachers, eager to learn about the foundational reading skills and strategies for their classrooms. 

The message of evidence-based early literacy resonated well, emphasizing the importance of regular progress monitoring in foundational reading skills

Visitors could see on the screen how Sprig Reading enables both high-quality tier 1 instruction and timely interventions for students requiring additional support. 

Moreover, attendees had the opportunity to win one of Sprig Learning’s storybook sets, showcasing endearing Indigenous characters and narratives designed to foster a love for reading. 

These collaborative items, created with Mi’kmaq Elders and educators, are available in the Sprig Store, along with Sprig Reading.


Ontario Association for Mathematics Education (OAME) Annual Conference


In April, we had the privilege of participating in the OAME Annual Conference, also in Toronto. It is the largest event of the year for math educators in Ontario. 

The conference provided an excellent platform to showcase the capabilities of Sprig Math, emphasizing its role as a tool to cultivate a positive math identity among students. 

The team demonstrated how Sprig Math helps teachers with targeted learning activities specifically designed to develop foundational math processes for early learners. 

The event was an incredible opportunity to connect with numerous like-minded math educators and leaders who are interested in assessing and instructing early learners in foundational math processes. 

At the conference, our sessions garnered enthusiastic engagement and appreciation, showing the significant impact and future promise of Sprig Math in early math education.


Measures for Early Success Initiative

Measures for Early Success Initiative

In the very next month in May, Sprig received great news! 

It had been selected for the Measures for Early Literacy Success initiative, opening doors to create groundbreaking assessment technology. 

Renowned for holistic assessments in Sprig Language, the opportunity now extended to develop an innovative math assessment tool for pre-K educators, children, and families. 

This initiative aims to bridge gaps in collecting reliable data on children’s needs, competencies, and progress in pre-K mathematics, targeting those Latine, Black and Indigenous children and families of low-income across the United States. 

The goal is to empower educators with insights for tailored instruction, minimizing bias and administrative burdens.

It’s a massive and fascinating project undertaken in collaboration with various partners. For full details, please read the press release

Internally, a lot of work is going on behind the scenes to make this dream assessment technology into a reality. 


Sprig Reading Turns One

Sprig Reading Turns One

In August, Sprig Reading celebrated its one-year anniversary since its launch in a webinar last year. 

The noteworthy occasion allowed the team to reflect on the tremendous progress and impact achieved thus far.

Throughout its inaugural year, Sprig Reading garnered an outpouring of enthusiastic feedback from educators who found immense value in utilizing the platform for a range of purposes, including assessment, instruction, and differentiation.  

Continuous product updates, including the latest version featuring time-stamped circle charts, have added great value for teachers. This enhancement provides teachers with a visual representation of progress between months and years, facilitating a comprehensive understanding of students’ development over time.

As Sprig Reading evolves, the team remains unwaveringly committed to supporting educators at every step of their journey, from seamless onboarding experiences to actively incorporating valuable client feedback into the ongoing development of the product roadmap.

The team’s dedication ensures that the platform continues to meet the evolving needs of teachers, fostering an environment of continuous improvement and innovation in early literacy.


Literacy Success: Early Readers K to 3 Summit

Literacy Success- Early Readers K to 3 Summit

Later in the academic year, as schools embraced the new school year which was in full flow, an extraordinary summit was graciously hosted by our partners, Joyful Literacy.

Literacy Success: Early Readers K to 3 assembled a stellar lineup of evidence-based literacy experts, each sharing invaluable teaching strategies meticulously designed to address all facets of foundational reading skills.

The summit provided much more than research-based recommendations. It went a step further by featuring administrators and teachers actively implementing the presented advice within their classrooms and schools. 

The discussions ranged from effective intervention strategies to the intricacies of weekly planning, providing a comprehensive perspective on the practical application of evidence-based literacy practices.

A notable highlight of the summit was the compelling testimony delivered by Chelsea and Nathan, a dynamic kindergarten teaching duo from Mission School District. 

Their demonstration of Sprig Reading and sharing of firsthand experience illustrated the transformative impact of the evidence-based tool  in the early learning environment.

Witnessing Sprig Reading share the stage with some of the foremost experts in evidence-based early literacy, including the esteemed Dr. Tim Rasinski, was a testament to the solution’s effectiveness.

This summit enriched participants with theoretical insights but also demonstrated the tangible successes and real-world applications of evidence-based literacy strategies. 


Closing The Year Out And Anticipating The Next

As we bid farewell to the remarkable year that was 2023, this reflection captures just a few of pivotal moments that defined Sprig Learning’s journey. 

From engaging conferences to groundbreaking initiatives, each chapter of the year unfolded with a commitment to advancing early literacy education.

The journey continues, fuelled by the passion for nurturing young minds through evidence-based practices and transformative educational experiences. 

Here’s to another year of growth, learning, and impactful contributions to early literacy education.

The 6 Golden Rules of Early Literacy Development

It’s never too late for anyone to improve their skill level in reading or writing. But it’s best if such a process starts early, hence the importance of early literacy!

Sprig Language was created to help early learners achieve the fundamental milestones of literacy, beginning with oral language and leading to foundational reading and writing skills. Sprig Reading helps teachers track, assess and monitor the foundational reading skills throughout the school year.

What sets Sprig Learning resources apart from any other early literacy resources is that they support learning both inside the classroom and at homes with families. 

They are ideally suited for early learning, taking into account a young child’s learning process, and their daily interactions with everyone in the home and community. 

Indeed, in a child’s developmental years, the mind is like a sponge. Young learners absorb every bit of information, whether they interact with their:




Uncles, aunts, cousins




Learning resources

Learning programs

Thus, it’s important that early literacy development is a collective effort between all of the people, supports and resources involved. 


The Six Rules to Drive Early Literacy

Four Rules to Drive Early Literacy

When it comes to something as pivotal to future success as early literacy, there are certain rules for educators, which the research tells us makes a big impact on learning. 

They help give early literacy activities a shape and structure. They also help to combine the people, the process and technology into one seamlessly blended learning experience.

These six rules are integral in ensuring that early learners are set up for future success. 

When crafting an early literacy strategy, keep these six rules in mind. All are golden, so they are listed in no particular order. 


Rule Number 1— Use Recommended Duration Time for Planning

Setting aside dedicated time to focus on activities that develop listening, speaking, reading and all other literacy skills is essential. Often, if it’s not scheduled, it doesn’t get done in a meaningful way.

To make planning easier, Sprig Language includes hundreds of whole-class, center-based and individual activities that teachers can incorporate in their scheduled literacy blocks.  Every activity highlights estimated durations for the activity to easily slot in a classroom planner or schedule (see below).

Recommended Duration Time

The time mentioned for each activity lets the educator know approximately how long each learning activity is expected to take.  

Practice makes perfect, and practice requires dedicated time.


Rule Number 2— Build a Literacy Rich Environment

A literacy rich environment is one that includes sufficient educational materials and resources, both print and digital. 

When a young learner is surrounded by engaging and attractive resources, they are inspired! Resources can include material such as books, alphabet cards, writing exercises, cutouts to decorate classrooms that teach certain concepts, etc.,

Furthermore, it’s important to foster some level of digital literacy as well. One way this can be done is by having literacy apps and/or animated versions of storybooks, which stimulate multiple senses like audio, to build literacy skills. 

When an early learner finds themselves in an environment that is designed to promote literacy, they learn faster. 

Active and playful practice centers create engaging and interactive learning environments for young learners. By incorporating hands-on activities, games, and interactive materials, educators can make the learning process enjoyable and effective. One of the ways this can be done is through guided play-based learning.

It is critical to provide educational materials that are both on- and off-screen. The Sprig Learning platform is focused on assessment, instructional support and classroom management, but often it’s the many wonderful digital and physical learning materials that enrich the classroom environment!

Build a Literacy Rich Environment

Above is an alphabetic arc that is used to help build speed, accuracy, and automaticity in alphabet knowledge, letter recognition, and sequencing. 

There are hundreds more printable assets available through Sprig’s programs which allow educators to plan engaging classroom and center-based literacy activities. 


Rule Number 3— Be Consistent in What You Teach (Training and Application)

Consistency in Teaching

The Center for American Progress, an independent nonpartisan policy institute, says that “the advancement of literacy as a national priority has been inconsistent.” There is a need for targeted funding to low-income schools with a high concentration of students in poverty. 

It’s not fair to isolate the US in this lack of uniform planning for literacy improvements. It’s the same case throughout the world. In a recent study from Alberta, Canada, students from grade 1 to 3 were 8 to 12 months behind their reading level. 

More alarming is the fact that 3 out of 4 students who do not overcome their reading difficulties by grade 3, struggle with lifelong learning. 

In the US, a significant number of states have made the science of reading a prerequisite for elementary school teacher licensure. However, not all of these states require a comprehensive assessment of knowledge in all five components of scientifically based reading instruction, namely: phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. 

There is a great opportunity for professional development (PD) to include all of these foundational reading skills, which happens through training. Equally, there is an opportunity to use tools that are built to help students master these essential reading skills.

Without such tools and training, there is a lot more room for improvisation on effective instructional strategies and for choosing the best evidence-based practices suited to building pronunciation, word recognition, etc. 

With a tool that is already optimized to work on all these areas, the PD finds an immediate outlet through which it can have the greatest impact.Sprig Reading works on the foundational reading skills such as alphabet knowledge, phonics, phonological awareness, reading fluency and comprehension.


Rule Number 4— Partner with Parents and Community

Learning to read can be so much more fun (and effective) for children when family members are engaged.

But aside from being fun, it’s a great way to ensure that learning continues outside of the classroom. Significant brain development for a child happens from two to seven years of age. So it’s important to maximize learning inputs during this time. 

Holistic learning is premised on building a comprehensive understanding of a child’s learning that occurs in the school, in the home and in the community, in a way that is both balanced and holistic.

Parents often struggle to find time to reach with their child, but there are many ways caregivers can  be actively involved in their child’s education. 

Just as a student is informed in school about all the reading resources that are available to them, parents should also be aware. There are many apps available for download that provide access to high-quality reading materials. 

To help bridge the communication divide between educators and parents, Sprig Learning resources have parent and caregiver surveys that help educators get a perspective of the learning opportunities that occur at home. 

Offer Structured Literacy Intervention

An example of a Caregiver Portal homepage where caregivers are able to see and complete personalized teacher-developed activities with the child to accelerate learning. They can also share their experience in a survey from the same portal.


Rule Number 5— Offer Structured Literacy Intervention

Structure ensures that no student falls through the cracks when it comes to acquiring the help they need.

Structured literacy intervention plays a crucial role in early literacy development. It focuses on providing targeted instruction to struggling readers, early and often, to help them build essential reading skills. 

With a structured approach, educators can effectively address individual learning needs and support students in their reading journeys. 

Sprig Reading offers the means to deliver structured literacy instruction, where the learning material is systematically organized, and provides the ability for teachers to deliver explicit instruction (for individuals, groups and/or classroom)  based on continuous assessment and observation.  

This empowers teachers to guide students towards reading success by following a structured approach to literacy interventions.

Regardless of the evidence-based intervention model used, such as multi-tier systems of supports or Response to Intervention, Sprig Reading enhances the capability for differentiated instruction.

The picture below shows a case where the assessment and instructional needs of students are similar, but where individual data is also displayed for further analysis as needed. 

Offer Structured Literacy Intervention


Rule Number 6— Formatively Assess All Students

Formative assessment is a powerful tool for understanding students’ progress and identifying areas that require additional support. It is a precursor to the earlier rule of offering structured literacy intervention. 

Formative assessments are essential for effectively supporting differentiated instruction. Solely relying on summative assessments can be detrimental, as the resulting data is often too late to address students’ current learning needs, and align them with appropriate lesson plans and curriculum. Without timely formative assessments, the opportunity to intervene and support students’ learning journeys may be missed, hindering their overall academic development.

By regularly assessing students’ reading skills and comprehension, educators can make informed instructional decisions and tailor their teaching accordingly. 

Sprig Reading offers a robust formative assessment mechanism via its circle charts that enable teachers to regularly track student growth, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and adjust instruction to meet individual needs.

Formatively Assess All Students


The Cheat Code

Cheat Code Eary Literacy Development

These six golden rules are incredibly powerful for early literacy development. It helps to have a summary takeaway that combines all of them into one effective adage. 

Summary Takeaway: 

Consistently schedule time to teach specific literacy skills in a resource-rich environment, in partnership with others involved in the child’s early learning. 

Formatively assess, track and monitor progress in a structured system that allows for timely interventions and personalized instruction.

Sprig Learning is passionate about early learning, especially as it relates to early literacy. If you liked reading this article, please consider subscribing to our blog. See button below.

If you have questions about implementing the right programs for early literacy development, please contact us