A progress monitoring tool for Pre-K to Grade 3 that enables teachers to easily and regularly track reading progress, ensuring every student masters all the foundational skills required to read at grade-level.

Sprig Reading: Monitor Progress Differently.
Sprig Reading enhances existing early reading programs, tracking student progress on over 250 reading skills and 220 vocabulary words. Teachers regularly input data and track progress, supporting differentiated instruction for whole group, small group, and individual intervention settings.

Track ALL Foundational Reading Skills for ALL Students
Research-backed. Evidence Based. Proven in Diverse Classrooms.
In diverse classrooms, with students of varying abilities and backgrounds, Sprig Reading has proven to profoundly impact each child’s reading journey. Offering a schoolwide approach, Sprig Reading brings together teachers, literacy coaches, psychologists, and other specialists to work as a cohesive team, continuously monitoring progress and planning interventions. Sprig Reading bridges the gap between traditional benchmark assessments, screeners and other ad hoc tracking methods, ensuring every child receives the consistent support they need to learn to read.

Consistently achieve 90% reading at grade-level and beyond!

See what Beacon Elementary School Achieved after 1 year!
Ready-To-Use Comprehensive Framework of Reading Skills.
Includes a continuum of skills for decoding, encoding (phonological awareness & phonics), language comprehension (vocabulary & oral language), leading to reading fluency and comprehension.
5 Domains; 29 Foundational Skill Sets with over 200 Skills; PLUS 220 High-Frequency Words

Oral Language and Vocabulary
• Expressive vocabulary
• Syntax
• Morphology
And more…

Phonological Awareness
• Rhyming
• Word awareness
• Phoneme manipulation
• Phoneme blending
And more…

• Alphabet knowledge
• Short & long vowels
• Digraphs, blends, welded sounds
• Vowel teams
And more…

• Self-monitoring
• Phrasing
• Adjusting pace
• Word recognition
And more…

• Text features
• Questioning
• Synthesizing
• Determining Importance
And more…

High Frequency Words
• Essential Words: Pre-Reading
• High frequency words mapped orthographically
And more…
Get started in under 10 minutes.
Continuously monitor reading progress and inform ongoing instruction.
Intuitive Circle Charts
Use our proven Circle Chart methodology to quickly input and track foundational reading skills data for every student.
Group and regroup students based on their specific instructional strengths and needs to support weekly planning and personalized instruction.
Classroom Resources
Explore a treasure trove of valuable, printable resources to enrich your classroom instruction in foundational reading concepts.
Personalized Activities
Get recommended play-based activities that teach the foundational reading skills during whole-class instruction, center-based instruction and/or one-on-one with students. Comes with assessment and instructional strategies for each skill.
On-demand training videos
Receive transformative, evidence-based professional learning that seamlessly translates crucial concepts into effective teaching practices.
Sprig Reading is endorsed by

Let’s introduce Sprig Reading into your classrooms.

Learn more about the Sprig Reading Student Success Guarantee for Bloom and Flower accounts.
Free to try things out!
30 day access
For Teachers to Explore.
per classroom per month
($50/classroom annually)
For Principals and Schools.
per classroom per year
Contact us for School District Pricing.
Volume pricing available for more than one school in same district
User Accounts
1 teacher account (full access)
1 classroom (10 students)
1 teacher account (full access)
1 classroom (30 students)
2 teacher accounts (view access)
Unlimited teachers accounts (full access)
1 classroom (30 students)
Data Administrator account
Unlimited teachers accounts (full access)
Multiple classes; Multiple Schools
Data Administrator account
Unlimited School District Administrator accounts
Student Progress Tracking
1 Reading Skill Set (Phonics)
All Reading Skill Sets
All Reading Skill Sets
Student Progress Reports (Charts/Data)
Classroom Progress Reports (Charts/Data)
Student data persists across multiple grades/years (Pre-K to Gr 3)*
All Reading Skill Sets
Student Progress Reports (Charts/Data)
Classroom Progress Reports (Charts/Data)
Student data persists across multiple grades/years (Pre-K to Gr 3)*
Classroom Resources
Starter Resources and Activities
Starter+ Resources and Activities
Reading Assessment Strategies (in-app)
Instructional Strategies (in-app)
Resources and Activities (Full Access)
Reading Assessment Strategies (in-app)
Instructional Strategies (in-app)
Resources and Activities (Full Access)
Reading Assessment Strategies (in-app)
Instructional Strategies (in-app)
Professional Development
Kickoff Webinar
On-demand training videos (10 videos)
Add-Ons (additional cost)
Customized virtual or in-person PD
Kickoff Webinar
On-demand training videos (10 videos)
Add-Ons (additional cost)
Customized virtual or in-person PD
Email support
No advertising or commercial data tracking
Email support
In-app tutorials and walkthroughs
No advertising or commercial data tracking
Help Desk (email, online and phone)
In-app tutorials and walkthroughs
No advertising or commercial data tracking
Help Desk (email, online and phone)
In-app tutorials and walkthroughs
No advertising or commercial data tracking